I offer a variety of services from tattooing to visual art and web design. With more than a decade of experience in graphic design and web design, I am committed to listening to the needs of my clients while offering advice according to my expertise and the result desired. Whether it’s a logo design, a business card or a more elaborate project, a brief conversation is often enough to paint a picture of your needs.

Practicing tattooing since 2015, I am able to ensure quality work using trustworthy equipment. Open to projects outside my comfort zone, my priority and my dedication are however towards american traditional tattooing (or "Old School") due to the simplicity, efficiency and nostalgia related to this style. A simple visit to my portfolio will tell a lot about my artistic preferences.

Whether you need a poster for an event, designs for your merchandise (sweaters, stickers, banners, etc.) or a complete website for your business, I will be pleased to answer and guide you through each step at a competitive price. It is also possible for me to help you at an advertisement level (Facebook, Google, Adwords, etc.) to maximize your visibility.


From the age of 15, my involvement on the web was already pretty present. As founder, webmaster and content creator, I would quickly give birth to one of the most iconic humour websites in Quebec at the time: Le Stupid Show. The instantaneous and unexpected success of the site bringing together dubbing and "pranks", quickly made headlines and received an average of 4,000 unique visitors per day and 8,000 at its peak in 2007.

In 2014, a return to the original concept (called LES BUMS) was born. After two television mentions in less than 48 hours, the new formation was quickly invited to participate weekly at "Ce Show" hosted by Mike Ward on the Musique Plus Channel. Bringing together the talent acquired by the members of the group over the years, Les Bums was a revamped version of our youth project. You can also always have access to the capsules on the youtube channel by clicking here.

After a few years as a large format mounter/laminator in a high-end printing house in Old Montreal, my interest in tattooing was born. Over the years, several clients have came for my services as a webmaster, graphic designer and disc jockey. My interest in drawing, put aside since the end of my studies, led me to undertake the necessary steps to learn the art of tattooing. From one point to the next, I find myself sharing the extent of my talents with the interested parties and this is what leads me to write these lines.


Don't hesitate and hit me up!

Set an appointment


If you don’t already follow me on Facebook or Instagram, here are some examples of my graphic and physical achievements. To view more projects, you can access my social networks via the main menu.



Whatever your project is, I will be happy to answer your questions and assist you through the process related to the creation of your website. Emphasizing on visual design rather than programming, I am not unfamiliar with it and can integrate a variety of common and practical functions on your page. I always enjoy looking for options that will adapt to your needs and budget.

Portfolio, personal page, blog, online shop, etc. A simple consultation will allow me to evaluate your vision and propose concrete and effective options. It is of course possible for me to take charge of hosting as well as updating your content, if necessary.


Although some web projects of my own are now part the past, you can take a look at some of my creations right here. Click on the website of your choice to visit.


BEST & FINEST (2019)



LES BUMS (2017)



If you would like to contact me for a tattoo appointment, please use the APPOINTMENT button and fill out the form. I will answer you as soon as possible with my availability.

If your request is for a web or graphic project, or if you have questions about my services, I will be pleased to answer you by email at the following address. Looking forward to it!